After the first week of intense activities, we are going to take a break Today. According to plan, we are going t0 Wonderla – a famous water-themed park on the outskirts of Bangalore city. Apart from the members, the children from LHCH are going as well. According to Dhiraj, the children can only go to Wonderla once a year due to financial and manpower constraints, hence they are very excited.
We required 2 coaches to fit everyone in and the ride to Wonderla was about 2 hours. The members were divided evenly amongst the 2 coaches so that they could look after the children as well as to interact with them. I took the opportunity to speak to Chris, one of the older children, and asked him about Wonderla. Chris told me that Wonderla is very big and it is not possible to complete all the rides in 1 day. He also explained to me about the other attractions in Karnataka. In return, I showed him photos of places and countries that I have been to before.
Upon reaching Wonderla, everyone including the members were getting excited. I think the closest we can get in Singapore is Sentosa Cove. The themed park is divided into 2 areas – dry and wet. There are many rides available and my favourite was the one called “Insanity” where you were being tossed around like a toy. In the middle of the themed park is a tower with a ferris wheel on top of it. From the ferris wheel, we can clearly see the whole of Bangalore.
The day ended at the “Disco rain” building where the children and members danced to the music in man-made rain. It was truly a fun and enjoyable outing with the children.