Today we organized a cultural carnival for the children. We had 4 stations, namely Malay, Chinese, Indian and Singapore. Each station had 3-4 members and we were armed with beautiful coloured photos as well as song lyrics. The aim of the cultural carnival was to let the children be exposed to and be appreciative of other races and cultures. The children were divided into their various houses and they would go to a new station every 35 minutes.
In order to cater to the different age groups and gender for each house, we had a range of activities in each station. For the Singapore team, we started off with the explanation of various attractions and festivals in Singapore. Afterwards we taught them the song “Singapura” and finally ended the session by teaching them hopscotch. To make the cultural carnival more impactful, the members had to wear the traditional costume of their station. It was also a cultural exchange for the members as some Malay members had to wear Cheongsam while the Chinese members had to wear Baju Melayu. We ended the cultural carnival with the singing of songs from all the stations.
At night, while we were preparing to sleep, we had a surprise from Dhiraj and the older children of LHCH. They came to our room and did Christmas carolling. The biggest surprise was that Pastor John was with them after he just came back from Mumbai. If it was not a surprise, probably we can make the room cleaner beforehand.